Japan Manga live announced today that announced that a sequel of "Kingdom" will be released. Director Sasuke Sato will return with the original cast of Yamazaki Kento, Ryo Yoshizawa, Nagasawa Masami, etc. The author of the original comic Yasuhisa Hara is one of the writers. "Kingdom" tells the story of a boy who unites with a king to battle enormous armies, deadly assassins and a dangerous mountain clan in ancient China.
Who is Yamazaki Kento?
Gender : Male
Constellation : Virgo
Date of birth : 1994-09-07
Birthplace : Japan, Tokyo
Occupation : Actor / Voice
Official site : http://www.stardust.co.jp/profile/yamazakikento.html
Kento Yamazaki is a Japanese actor and model. He is best known for his role as L in the live-action television series Death Note, and as the lead Minato Shindo in the Japanese medical drama remake Good Doctor, as well as starring in films L DK, Heroine Shikkaku and Orange.
Who is Ryo Yoshizawa?
Gender : Male
Constellation : Aquarius
Date of birth : 1994-02-01
Birthplace : Tokyo, Japan
Occupation : Actor / Voice
Official site : artist.amuse.co.jp/artist/yoshizawa_ryo
Ryo Yoshizawa is a Japanese actor. His breakthrough roles includes as Okita Sougo in the Gintama live-action films and as Katagiri Yuichi in the Friends Games live-action films. He is known for his expressive eyes and natural acting style.
Who is Nagasawa Masami?
Gender : Female
Constellation : Gemini
Date of birth : 1987-06-03
Birthplace : Japan, Shizuoka Prefecture, Iwata City
Occupation : Actor / Voice
Family members : Nagasawa and Ming (father)
Official site : instagram.com/masami_nagasawa/ / facebook.com/Masami.Official / twitter.com/nagasawamg
Masami Nagasawa is a Japanese actress and model. She won several awards, including a Japan Academy Prize, a Mainichi Film Award and a Blue Ribbon Award.